Thursday, December 27, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Et blogg innlegg fra min andre blog på norsk

MystiqeWorld : Et blogg innlegg fra min andre blog på norsk: 30.09.2018 30.09.2018 kl.18:57 i Blogg Reklame Høsten er en flott tid. Naturen viser seg frem med sine flotteste farger og på...

Et blogg innlegg fra min andre blog på norsk


Høsten er en flott tid. Naturen viser seg frem med sine flotteste farger og på sin mest kreative side. Bladene på løvtrærne blir gule, brune, røde, og fortsatt er det innslag av grønt innimellom. Soppene popper opp rundt omkring, i skog, i hager og andre steder.
Jeg valgte å bruke dette bildet som illustrasjon på mitt første blogginnlegg. Dette bildet sier mye om hva høsten er for meg. Soppen står der i flotte farger, med noe visent løv under seg og gresset er delvis visent og delvis fortsatt grønt, friskt og fint. Dere syns kanskje jeg er noe poetisk i en blogg om natur og vitenskap, men det er sånn jeg ønsker min blogg skal være. Men nå over til litt natur.
Soppen på bildet er nok en fluesopp (uten at jeg er noen soppekspert). Den er for de fleste kjent som en giftig sopp, men rundtom i verden er det faktisk så mange som 600 forskjellige fluesopper, og noen er spiselige!!! I Norge er det 25 forskjellige fluesopper. Alle fluesopper har en frittstående hatt eller skive med hvite prikker på. De hvite prikkene er der sporene er. Sporer er formeringsverktøyet til sopper og noen andre mikroskopiske vesener. 
Fluesopp står for ca. 95% av forgiftninger av sopp som skjer. 

MystiqeWorld : Link to my blog in norwegian

MystiqeWorld : Link to my blog in norwegian:

Link to my blog in norwegian

MystiqeWorld : New post about the Heart

MystiqeWorld : New post about the Heart: Hjertet 27.12.2018 kl.10:29 i Blogg Her vil jeg fortelle kort om hva hjertet er og gjør. Hjertet Kort om hjertet Hjerte...

New post about the Heart


Her vil jeg fortelle kort om hva hjertet er og gjør.

Kort om hjertet
Hjertet er egentlig to pumper, en pumpe som pumper blodet inn i lungene for å fylle det med nytt oksygen (O2) og bli kvitt avfallet fra kroppens metabolisme (energiomsetning) som for eksempel karbondioksid (CO2). Den andre pumpen får blodet til å reise gjennom kroppen og fylle cellene med oksygen og andre næringsstoffer. Hjertet er omtrent så stor som en knyttneve og pumper 5 liter blod rundt i minuttet. Hjertet hviler ikke og har spesielle muskel celler som vi ikke har andre steder i kroppen som ikke blir sliten på samme måten som for eksempel musklene i armen eller i beinet kan bli.
Hjertet er en stor muskel med fire hulrom. To hulrom til hver pumpe. Hjertet pumper blod mot de hulrommet med lavest trykk og dermed kommer blodet seg rundt. Mellom hulrommene er det klaffer som hindrer at blod kommer tilbake til det kammeret det var i først. Når blodet har hatt en rundtur i hjertet og i lungene, pumpes blodet inn i hovedpulsåren (aorta). Derfra blir blodet sendt ut til resten av kroppen gjennom andre blodårer, arterier, og senere til enda mindre årer (kapillærer). Der forsyner blodet alle cellene med næringsstoffer og oksygen, og tar med seg tilbake avfallet. I blodet er det andre ting også, som hormoner og forsvarsceller (immunforsvaret sine celler). Blodet som pumpes rundt, er også med på å fordele varme i kroppen.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Min bloggpost om humler på norsk/ blogpost about b...

MystiqeWorld : Min bloggpost om humler på norsk/ blogpost about b...: Humler 15.11.2018 kl.11:53 i Blogg Humler er noen av våre mest fantastiske insekter og svært viktige for at vi skal få mat. D...

Min bloggpost om humler på norsk/ blogpost about bumblebies in norwegian


Humler er noen av våre mest fantastiske insekter og svært viktige for at vi skal få mat. De har en svært viktig rolle i naturen med at de hjelper planter til å bli pollinert.
Humlene er flotte insekter. De flyr rundt med en svak brummelyd om våren og sommeren og er for det meste fredsommelige vesen. Det er et sikkert tegn på at våren er komt når man hører humlene første gang. De kan se litt rare ut, med en litt tykk kropp og kanskje litt små vinger i forhold til kroppen, men de er noen av naturens viktigste skapninger. Det finst rundt 250 ulike humlearter i verden og 35 av de lever i Norge. De fleste humlene er sosiale, som maur, bier og termitter, men noen lever alene. Humlene er i familie med biene, og langt ute, i familie med veps og maur.  De lever av nektaren hos blomster og samler den i "poser" på beina. De Tar med seg nektaren til bolet sitt og deler med resten av humlene og larvene der. Når humlene besøker en blomst, tar de med litt av pollenstøvet hos planten og legger igjen litt fra en annen blomst de har besøkt tidligere. Derfor gjør de mye nytte for plantene. 
Hos humlene er det bare dronningen som legger egg. De humlene vi ser mest og som arbeider med å samle nektar, er arbeidere. De tar seg også av larvene og  er alle hunner og alle er søstre. Dronningene kan overleve vinteren, men de fleste arbeiderene dør etter sommeren eller på høsten. Hannene hos humlene kalles droner. De har bare som oppgave å pare seg med en dronning. Etter det dør de. 

Bilde av en humle fra min Instagram konto. Under er det en humle som besøker en løvetann for å samle nektar.

Humlene er mange steder i ferd med å forsvinne. Dette skjer også i Norge, Grunnene er flere, men klimaendring, endringer i landbruket, bruk av gift og forurensing og endring av hvor maten til humlene er spiller en stor rolle. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Check my new book How to be like Tony Stark

MystiqeWorld : Check my new book How to be like Tony Stark: Here is my New book. I took some relevant links With it for other books. Hope you will enjoy

MystiqeWorld : Let's go Pikachu/Eevee

MystiqeWorld : Let's go Pikachu/Eevee: As a Nintendo fan I had to put out a post about “let's go Pikachu” and “let's go Eevee”. They are bit unique games in the Pokémon ...

Check my new book How to be like Tony Stark

Here is my New book. I took some relevant links With it for other books. Hope you will enjoy


Let's go Pikachu/Eevee

As a Nintendo fan I had to put out a post about “let's go Pikachu” and “let's go Eevee”. They are bit unique games in the Pokémon series, but are also based on the yellow Pokémon version from the late 90. The games share a lot with the Pokémon go to cellphones. I will not write so much since it is on the side of what my blog is about, but I put some links to the games. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Ny post på

MystiqeWorld : Ny post på Sjekk ut min nye post om flaggermus på

Ny post på

Sjekk ut min nye post om flaggermus på

MystiqeWorld : Vampires

MystiqeWorld : Vampires: Vampires Most have heard about these creatures of darkness and evil, but what is really a vampire? Do they exist in real life? ...



Most have heard about these creatures of darkness and evil, but what is really a vampire? Do they exist in real life?

In folklore the vampire is a creature that feeds from blood. They are not living, but not dead either. They were an undead. Most famous for vampires are the eastern Europa, and especially Romania and its province of Transylvania. The later from Bram Stokers novel “Dracula” and from Vlad Tapes, the former ruler of this area. But for most of the world there exist tales of similar creatures as the vampire.

Many believe that vampires where truly victims of different illnesses or diseases. Tuberculosis can often be similar to the reports of people that are told to be victims of a vampire. The tuberculosis patients often get whiter and more and more lacking of energy. That is similar to the symptoms of a victim from a vampire. All causes of anemia will also get similar results. White skin and less energy.

In modern times the Chupacabra is a new type of vampire. Chupacabra is a mystical creature that has been told about since ca. 1987, and with first witness rapport from ca. 1995. It is a creature or animal that sucks blood from goats, hens, and other small household animals. Some people also claim they have been attacked. The name means goatsucker in Spanish, and is a reference till the killing and sucking of blood. It started in Puerto Rico, and has been spread to rest of South and Central America and to USA. It has also been seen in Russia and in the Philippines.

The animal has many descriptions, but is often described as a doglike animal, but also with reptilian feats. Often seen with red, glowing eyes.

What is Chupacabra? The theories are many. Some say it is a runaway experiment, some say it is an extraterrestrial being, some say it is a demon. Also, that it can be a biological weapon has been suggested.

Other modern vampire phenomena, are claimed attacks of vampires. In the 1970 it was rapports of attacks in England. Same in 2005. Most now believe it is only urban legends.  In 2017 in Malawi, Africa there were six persons killed of a mob because they were claimed of being vampire. Similar event happen in 2002.

Other part of the modern vampire is people that choose to live like vampires do. It is often part of interest of more occult things.

 Hope you enjoyed my short text about vampires.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my work

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my work: If you like my content and my work you can comment and follow my blog. I have a New blog in norwegian also at  http://naturogvitenskap.blogg...

How to contribute to my work

If you like my content and my work you can comment and follow my blog. I have a New blog in norwegian also at you can do the same With. I want my blog to be best posible and i need you to tell what you want to read about, what is good/bad, something you want more of or else.  You can also share my blog With your friends.

I hope you will take time to check my books to.

MystiqeWorld : Nytt innlegg på

MystiqeWorld : Nytt innlegg på Sjekk ut mitt innlegg om humler på

Nytt innlegg på

Sjekk ut mitt innlegg om humler på

MystiqeWorld : Sjekk ut min blogg på

MystiqeWorld : Sjekk ut min blogg på Sjekk min norske blogg. Den heter: Jeg legger en link til den under innlegget. Denne er primært om natur og viten...

Sjekk ut min blogg på

Sjekk min norske blogg. Den heter: Jeg legger en link til den under innlegget. Denne er primært om natur og vitenskap  og jeg legger ut noe når jeg har tid. Håper du vil like den.


MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my blog?

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my blog?:    How to contribute to my blog? If you like the content of my blog, you can contribute and support to it by follow and share my pos...

Friday, September 28, 2018

MystiqeWorld : MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken

MystiqeWorld : MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken: MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken : Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken The Nokken (Nøkken) ("ø" is a Norwegian and Sc...

Friday, August 3, 2018

Thursday, July 12, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Discover your self

MystiqeWorld : Discover your self: The biggest mystery in the world can be Our self. Here is some Products that can help.

Discover your self

The biggest mystery in the world can be Our self. Here is some Products that can help.

MystiqeWorld : Alien books!!!!!

MystiqeWorld : Alien books!!!!!: Some books about aliens. Check out the Alien Survival guide.

Alien books!!!!!

Some books about aliens. Check out the Alien Survival guide.

MystiqeWorld : Low price way of experience Sri Lanka

MystiqeWorld : Low price way of experience Sri Lanka: Here is some low price Product for you to start exploring Sri Lanka. Click on the links and og to ...

Low price way of experience Sri Lanka

Here is some low price Product for you to start exploring Sri Lanka. Click on the links and og to

Monday, July 2, 2018

MystiqeWorld : How to fix everything

MystiqeWorld : How to fix everything: How to fix Things? A question we often ask when Things brake Down and we cant buy New right now. this books give some answers…   ...

How to fix everything

How to fix Things? A question we often ask when Things brake Down and we cant buy New right now. this books give some answers…


MystiqeWorld : Check out this

MystiqeWorld : Check out this: Here are some good books/Magazines for starting the path to be a real life Tony Stark. ...

Check out this

Here are some good books/Magazines for starting the path to be a real life Tony Stark.

Sunday, June 17, 2018



Bigfoot have been seen over most of North America, but mostly on the western coast of the U.S.A and Canada, by many witnesses for hundreds of years. Many photos and films seem to show this creature that mostly looks like a sort of ape. They are often tall and have red/brown hair over their body. Bigfoots are mostly seen in areas with forest and mountain, far from big populations.  Sasquatch are a native American name for the same creature.

Monday, June 11, 2018

MystiqeWorld : My New Book - Check it out!!!

MystiqeWorld : My New Book - Check it out!!!:                                                                          Here is my New book!!!!                                      ...

My New Book - Check it out!!!


                                     Here is my New book!!!!



Sunday, June 10, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Erich von Däniken

MystiqeWorld : Erich von Däniken: Erich von Däniken Erich von Däniken are one of the first to explore the “ancient alien” or “ancient astronaut” theory. He is born...

Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken are one of the first to explore the “ancient alien” or “ancient astronaut” theory.

He is born in 1935 in Switzerland. He has written many books and been involved in many television shows. Most famous is the tv show “Ancient Aliens” on History Channel.

Are you curious about his work, check out the links below? Enjoy!!! 

MystiqeWorld : Travis Walton Story- The movie Fire in the Sky

MystiqeWorld : Travis Walton Story- The movie Fire in the Sky: Here is also the link to the film based on the Travis Walton experience. Enjoy!!!

Travis Walton Story- The movie Fire in the Sky

Here is also the link to the film based on the Travis Walton experience. Enjoy!!!

MystiqeWorld : Travis Walton Experience

MystiqeWorld : Travis Walton Experience: Travis Walton story This is a short telling about the experience Travis Walton had. He claim to have been abducted by Extraterrestri...

Travis Walton Experience

Travis Walton story

This is a short telling about the experience Travis Walton had. He claim to have been abducted by Extraterrestrials in 1975.

Travis Walton got abducted by aliens in November 1975, in Arizona. He and his fellow workers where working in a forest when they see an unidentified object close to them while they go in their truck.

The light from the object “beamed” Walton up in it. His co-workers become the witness to this event and could not believe what was going on.

Travis Walton was missing for several days. His co-workers go to the officials to report the happening and report him missing. They where by some accused to have killed Travis Walton the days he was missing. The police, volunteers and others search the forest the days he where missing, but with no trace of Walton.

In the days Travis Walton where missing, he where on board a craft where extraterrestrials or “aliens” did examining on him. He where in some room that looked like a hospital room.

Travis Walton told his story in his book “Fire in the Sky, the Walton Experience” (link below). It is also made a movie about the incident in 1993 called “Fire in the Sky”.

What do you believe? Did Travis Walton got Abducted by extraterrestrial creatures?

MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken

MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken: Scandinavian Myth: Nøkken The Nokken (Nøkken) ("ø" is a Norwegian and Scandinavian letter) is a creature that live...

Friday, June 1, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Make your life easier

MystiqeWorld : Make your life easier: Make your life easier Don’t stress too much, life is filed with moments of stress and bad things. Try reducing what you can. Here is...

Make your life easier

Make your life easier

Don’t stress too much, life is filed with moments of stress and bad things. Try reducing what you can. Here is some product you can use to help you.

Wish you good luck and a stress less life

Sunday, May 27, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Check Out my New Book!!!

MystiqeWorld : Check Out my New Book!!!:                               Check my New Book At                                                    Here is links...

Thursday, May 24, 2018

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my blog?

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my blog?:    How to contribute to my blog? If you like the content of my blog, you can contribute and support to it by follow and share my pos...

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my blog?

MystiqeWorld : How to contribute to my blog?:    How to contribute to my blog? If you like the content of my blog, you can contribute and support to it by follow and share my pos...

How to contribute to my blog?

   How to contribute to my blog?

If you like the content of my blog, you can contribute and support to it by follow and share my posts. You follow by push a button on the side of my blogposts. You can share my content on several social media, like Facebook and Twitter. If you click on some of the product links in my blogpost I will also get a bit money from it that will help me to continue my blog and other projects.

If you buy some of the products I have as product links, I also get some money. I have also my books for sale in the same matter.

Everything you do like this described above are a big help and contribution to me and my work. I work fulltime normally and do try to find some time to work with my projects, like my blog and books. It takes time in research and writing, so every help is taken with big gratitude.

   Thank you very much for your help and support!!!

 An example of a Product link. It is for one of my books. If you CLICK on it you do not buy it, but you get Access to buying it if you are interested. 


MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Go...

MystiqeWorld : Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Go...: Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Gods and creatures The Vikings lived in a strange and scary world. They had ...

Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Gods and creatures

Scandinavian myths: the world of the vikings 1: Gods and creatures

The Vikings lived in a strange and scary world. They had a lot of dangerous and strange creatures they had too watch out for. They had many gods. The gods in the Norse religions had similarities with does of the Greek and roman mythology. Odin was the king of the gods and was very wise, Thor was his son, and was extremely powerful and could control the thunder, Loki was more of an antigod. He tricked others, both gods and men, to gain what he wanted. He was just a halfgod, but could use magic. The Vikings had many more gods and many stories about them. Frey, Frigg,Tyr, Balder (Baldur), and  Magne, is worth mention.

In the world of the Vikings there was also jotner (jötunn) are a kind of giants, and are often the enemies of the gods. Many are stupid. But there are often evil. They are in some way similar to the trolls.
There was also elves, dwarfs and other creatures. Iinnorm was an evil creature that come from a tiny larva inside a nut, that could grow to an enormous size.

Here are Two Books about Norse Mythology: Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

MystiqeWorld : Dress Like a billionaire-be like Tony Stark

MystiqeWorld : Dress Like a billionaire-be like Tony Stark: How to dress like Tony Stark? How to dress cool like tony Stark? He wears cool designer t-shirts and amazing suits. But Tony is a bi...

MystiqeWorld : Native americans and Extraterrestials

MystiqeWorld : Native americans and Extraterrestials: Na tive americans and UFOs Many thinks there is a connection between UFOs and the Native Americans.  It is not so unlike...

Native americans and Extraterrestials

Native americans and UFOs

Many thinks there is a connection between UFOs and the Native Americans. 

It is not so unlikely. Many Groups and tribes of the Native Americans have stories and legends of People from the stars. They have many names on them depending of the tribe, but Star Brothers or Star People are common names. 

People have observed UFOs in and Close to reservation in the USA. Some have also see them land there.

Many think it can be because of the UFO can be safe from the US military force. The military cannot do anything inside a reservation without there be an emergency there. The UFO and its crew will be safer in the reservation than other Places in the USA, 

It is possible the Native Americans can have contact for many hundreds and perhaps thousands of years with extraterrestrials. It seems that many native Americans and others who have learned their ways of life, don’t seems to be afraid when UFOs are seen, or when extraterrestrials contact them. Maybe they have an understanding and know way the come to our planet.