Sunday, October 29, 2017

Seamonsters...are they real?

 Many Places around the globe have tales about creatures in sea, ocean or lakes.

Most famous is the Loch Ness monster, Nessie, but all around the world People have seen some similar creature. In Norway we have Selma in Seljord lake (Seljord vatnet) that have been seen in centuries, around Vancouver Island, in Japan and in Lake Champlain in the U.S.A there is a creature who seem too be of same specie.

In Scandinavian myth there are the Kraken who is a big octopus who lived outside the coast of Norway and in the Atlantic Ocean.

Kraken was just a story until the giant octopus was discovered. it has been found different types of big octopuses who can give credit to the myth.

The sea has always been a mystic place with many strange creatures. Other big sea creatures as the whales and big sharks. They could have been misunderstood when sighted. Maybe a sight of them on distance or in bad weather or mist or fog. Drifting plants from the seafloor could also be misinterpreted in some condition and sea creatures that are found on the seashore dead, can look very different from their living form if the putrefaction have started. They can look so different that even experienced zoologist or biologists can have difficulties with recognize what creature it is.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Extraterrestial life 1

I call this post Extraterrestial life one because i axpect to write many times about this theme or themes Close to this.

In the space all the ingreadience for making life as we know it exist, The simplest form of amino acids does exist in the tales of comets. We have found water on the moon and on Mars, Jupiters moon, Europe, has probably flothing water under the ice on the surface.
The moon has probably great seas under the ice.
Life can probably exist in enviorment we dont can imagine also. We have on Earth found bacterias that live in high radioactive areas like nuclear reactors. Scorpions and cockroaches can survive high levels of radioation as well. 
Some animals can live in high heat around undersea volcanos, others in extreme salty seas and ponds. Many animals also develop or evolve to adept to higher polution from human activity. 

There are posibility many other extreme places can maintain life and we will discover in the years to come. 

I will come back to Write more about this subject later 

Ghosts .....are they real?

All over the world people see ghost and spirits. Most ghost are said to be people who has died. Some people see relatives or other closed one after they have passed away.

Some people experience scary stuff with the ghost or spirit, other just feel love or that the spirit want to help or guide them. 

Many scientists have researched the phenomena but no conclusion has been made. Most in the established scientific community have disclaimed ghosts as superstition, but still in our modern world, people still have experience with spirits of the dead. Are there some explanations for ghosts other than they are dead who come back to our world?

it is many suggestions of what ghosts are. Some think they are visitors from another dimension, or from heaven or another realm of the dead. Another say it can be a psychological phenoma. 

Some experience with ghost are probably also misunderstanding or the way we perceive something. In the darkness or in fog or other weather conditions stuff looks different, and can easily be seen as something else than it is. 

I cant say if ghosts are real. I’m open to it. What do you believe? Do you have a story of a experience Wwth a ghost or a spirit? 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

After effect of encounter with UFOs.

Some people who has encounter a UFO, have in the aftermath, experienced different physical and mental effects.
Wounds, effect of radiation, headache, confusion to mention some. I have search internet, read in books and watch TV to get information about this.

It seems that many get some physical effects if they get close to some of these crafts. We must assume they are crafts, so I use that term here.  
What is these Crafts? Are they from earth or from another planet or dimension? Why do they come here? Some claim they see beings inside or outside these crafts, but not in all cases. Other crafts the witness only see a bright light. Maybe they are not a craft at all. Some of the crafts and UFOs can be planes or experiment vicles

Mental effects also acquire.
Of course, many get scarred and confused by the experience, but some also seems to have amnesia or memoryloss. Also, some experience loss of time. They look at the clock and much time they can’t account.

It is also said that some get scanned physical and also a feeling of them being mind read. Telepathic experiences are also described.

Some also claim they get taken aboard the crafts and get experimented on. Some after meeting with UFOs on road or else, and some from home.

What is these experiences? Why do people experience this? Is it hallucinations?

I will come back to this subject in a later post. Please give comment on this subject or share Your information about it

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

MystiqeWorld : First Post

MystiqeWorld : First Post: My first post for my New blog. This blog is about mysteries in the world and the universe. I will look at science and myths and adventures...

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

First Post

My first post for my New blog.

This blog is about mysteries in the world and the universe. I will look at science and myths and adventures from around the world. i will Write about what i find intresting.

I want to seek out theories and hypotheses of the world also, from myths, and from scien
ence. I will look at what interests me, and what i think you as a Reader can like and be fascinated by.

Our world and the Cosmos is filled With mysteries and strange happenings, wierd stories and other interesting Things. We know only a small portion of everything. Like what is the UFOs and lights People all over the world see? does there exist a monster in Loch Ness? What about other Places? Many clame they have seen strange seacreatures and monsters all over the world. What New Things can the science do? Can we live on the moon or on Mars soon? Can we live forever? can we Cure all types of cancer soon? Do flying cars soon be comon?

The world is a strange Place and I allways be very fascinated of what mysteries it hides.

I hope you will enjoy my blog.